Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Maudsley Hospital

I was invited for a Amassment of Autism Spectrum disorder only, on 28/03/2017 over the span of 2 appointments following suggestions by 2 prior Phycologists. I was seen by 3 lovely young lady's and Dr Karen Ashwood. I made a valiant but complicated commute to meet them from far North London despite my Anxiety Disorder of unfamiliar location and over population also how easy overwhelmingly confused I became with Server Dyslexia . The consequences where a Fabricated biased agenda pushing tabloid (medical record) by Dr Karen Ashwood where I was Misquoted, lied about and smeared.

Its only purpose was Character Assassination.

This was 3 years ago yet it still slanders me today when ever I'm in contact with anything remotely NHS related. As has been the case from most medical tabloids about me written my Journalistic Phycologists. But this one assembled by Dr Karen Ashwood was the most aggressive fallacious endeavour of incrimination, discredit & dishonour so far.

With each different Psychologists I visit I keep hoping they will take the opportunity of redemption as they are major instigators to the crack I was pushed into today.

Karen's article derailed any need for medical support I so necessary needed & so curly deprived off with the only agender of writing me off the healthcare system completely.
Example: “simon has become dependant on Psychology” Maybe Karen after 20 years I'm still waiting for you to act. Your professions keep pushing me away when I have a recognized Disability and Severer Learning Difficulty. Everything your Facade of a service is in existence for. That is Desertion.

I did'ent finance my own Training for a Counterbalance Forklift & Reach Truck 5 year licence or 2 years of Collage for a level 3 ICT deploma & Cisco networking & have a 4 page CV so I can be “dependant on Psychology”. I made every effort to have nothing to do with your Toxic people. Not so I can Prosper in England but so I can leave it.

I needed a support worker to Accompany me in shopping as I was parallelised with fear of going alone and would often suffer from Panic Attacks. My shoes internal cushion had worn off after 4 years and began grating against my Achilles Tendon making it bleed. My shoes sole had also eroded away exposing the plastic foundation, I would slip on the wet pavements and on polished floors, resulting in many injuries. So I had to cut apart dish sponges that I got from the corner store(my only safe place) and attach them with Glue as a patch up and to this day I still have them.

Without support I would pass out in public from over sensory, Once I pass out at the top of a escalator and tumbled to the very bottom which is where I woke up. Nobody stop me they just step out of the way to save themselves, I had the grill marks on my lower back for weeks.
Or when I pass out while crossing the road in central London and woke up in UCLA Hospital with a broken tooth and nose. It was written off a Drunken accident. You know what that was? The one & only Fosters 4.2% I had to calm my panic as once again they Weren't processing my repeat Prescription for one reason or another which took 2 weeks to resolve(there's a Google review I did on that).
Without support I was limited in Supply's, Everything was Covenant store products and prices.

I would never answer a ringing phone and anxiously waited for 5pm to be assured nobody was going to. When it did my heart rate accelerated and I left the room.

Push yourself they said, over expose yourself they said. They've even coin up a radicle new term “fight or flight”, What a cliché.
I would even pass-out in my own home from the freezing temperatures. The worst was when I was urinating, The bathroom was so cold that I fainted and woke up sitting back to front on the toilet from a fit. I had smashed my face on the ceramic water tank with blood. My left eye was so badly hurt from the impact that I couldn't open it for 3 days.

This happened during a therapy course (same ****). And I was talking about my events for the past week and when I mentioned the above, They Delivered only emotionless expressions as I knew they would from there instructions to deflect any harm my accommodation was causing me. Its all very mechanical, They were more preprepared then Snipers. Obvious inspired from the medical records and there actually 2 sets of them! One your not suppose to know about.

Or in regards to my appalling water supply which you could not drink as it makes you sick, gave me heartburn often and gave me urine infections, I couldn't brush My teeth as they became soft developing holes and reseeding, Or wash in as it burns your skin and your hair falls out.
The water was such a thick white that you could not see your hand through the glass.
“simon thinks he's water is contaminated” Which Karen has neither visited me to investigate or asked me to show her videos. I never said such a thing and this “contamination” was repeated a few times through out towards anything I had bad experience with that was out of my control.

Karen was running on a Hypocrisy and Paraphrasing past medical record articles, which just like her own were fabricated. Eventually you have a Chinese whispers chain of journalistic buzz word bingo non sense.
(please visit my YouTube video to see for yourself: My SOLID HARD water THAMES WATERThames Water. And other related Videos to this letter. Or look for my channel “Simon Mcfarland” with Lega Salvini icon).

Karen also violated my trust by writing about my Private Life. She wrote about My girlfriends, My friendships, My travelling, My memberships, My hobbies. My private life is not anybody's business but my own and most certainly is not your obligation to broadcast. Unless I choose to tell you which in this case Karen exploited.
The purpose is so they can convince themselves they “know me”. Would you buy a Autobiography written by someone else other then the person its about? Probably not.

The effort to manufacture a pathology way into which its all self inflicted or self invented was outstanding, Ignoring all Facts when inconvenient.
Weaponizing my Disability & Learning Difficulty against me rather then being a means for support. I felt like this person I was reading about had psychosis.

There not there to help you its a Deception a Smoke Screen. They want you to be a Alcoholic, A drug user, A smoker so they can hold you responsible. Sorry honey but I'm neither of them & taking 1 pill doesn't mean you have the whole bottle. In all honesty you best never ever having any contact with these mental heath professional people, they decisively do more harm then good And they been kicking me in the face since 1998.

At this stage of visiting Karen I was living in private accommodation where I had no drinking water, Underperforming boil that would provide no heating and only luke warm water during the Autumn with it set to MAX, So I was getting an 8th of the heat from the GAS it burned.
I stank as for weeks I Avoided showering. It was to freezing to be in the bathroom undressed, The water was cold and damaged/irritated my skin, You'd freeze more coming out of the shower wet.
I had to wear the same clothing for weeks as they would take 5 days to dry after laundry and become mouldy.

The windows were warped to the point you could put your little finger through, There was re-spawning black mould on the walls very 2 weeks, Lung infections, There was damp in the walls and damp around the wall sockets (please view attached photo's), Continuous draft which made your feet so numb that your toes felt they were going to burst.
I slept with a woolly hat, 2 pairs of sock's, Jogging bottoms, 1 T-Shirt, 1 sweater, 1 jumper, 1 fleece blanket, 1 duck feathered duvet, 1 bed quilt. And still the freezing draft penetrated this and I shivered myself to sleep.
(please visit my YouTube video to see for yourself: Damp Mouldy Windows & Wall's. 2012 - 2018 & other related Videos to this letter. Or look for my channel Simon Mcfarland, with Lega Salvini icon).

The Clanking Boiler that would begin Clanking at Random times for Random durations of time.
Mostly in the evening Continuously till 4pm the next day, Completely depriving me of sleep.
This went on for 10 months Unresolved resulting in me eventually handing in my Notice to
(please visit my YouTube Video: Clanking Boiler & other related Videos to this letter. Or look for my channel Simon Mcfarland, with Lega Salvini icon).

The Landlord ignored my repair requests and was condescending. He knew I had no choice as I was unable to work, But Worst of all so did the Mental Heath Professions.

I have a OCD which is a National Recognized Disability, Severe dyslexia which is a National Recognized Learning Difficulty. And was assessed by the British Bored of Education in Victory in 1990 & 1999. I'm unable to stabilize any form of work that could pull me out of these circumstance And the living conditions exacerbating everything of my already delicate health.

Yet from 17 – 29 I was forced on JSA to work full time knowing my Limited Capability. It was only at 29 and “let go” again that I was told by a Jobcenter staff “what are you doing on JSA you should be on ESA”, “ESA, What's that?”.
From all my 20 years with mental heath professionals never did they inform me of my Entitlement to Income support / ESA.

These people deliberately ignored my need for support and didn't even visit me at home to investigate my claims as it would only of substantiated the requirement for them to act.
You know what they did ? Prescribe me generic Anti Depressants & Beta Blockers, next please!.
While sniggering at me when I spoke of my pain & misery. Even when I was clearly ill from sleep deprivation, which promotes mental heath illness. “Go C.A.B.” as they sat on existing Support Teams that I was righteously entitled to. Also they knew I was unable to go C.A.B. alone As I have a Anxiety Disorder! Yet they never even offered someone to go with me!.

These people wanted me dead & out of sight.

And I'm sure these Humanitarian English Multicultural Diversity Mantra Globalists Footsoldiers go dancing to the coasts of south Europe over zealously thrusting “refuges welcome” signs & donating to Water Aid. Yet towards there own Native European People, a dismissive cold shoulder.

After 6 years of asking for help that was never coming I handed in my Leaving notice and over 2 months I contacted 50 property advertisements daily, But was only offered 6 property Viewings. offering to pay 6 months rent & deposit in advance, they still rejected my application.

Medical Professions told me “you self sabotaged”.
Yet those who not only Abandoned there homes but also there homelands As Europeans build desirable societies, Are regarded as “refugees” escaping harm and danger.
My Mother & Farther needed fight tooth & nail for a working Visa to UK and needed to prove they are self-sufficient and independent so they couldn't become codependent on Social Security.
Today I see Phycologists as journalists & lawyers. Adversary's advocating an agenda that will only work against me.
These medical tabloids are very dangerous and have prevented me from obtaining genuine healthcare when needed. When I had IBS it was imposable to be treated and was dismissed as “its because you have a OCD, Its because your stressed”, Next!. Regardless how much physical pain I was in they refused to recognize it using my Medical records as a escape goat.

Or when I had Glandular Fever yet continued to attend my Full Time work until staff & boss told me “you don't look right, you look really pale”. I was 24 hours monitored in hospital. I once returned form the bathroom to be told off my nurses for “disappearing” and having to call off security as I have “been found”. Unlike the other patients I had to inform them of everything and everywhere I went till I was healed. Again that came from the propaganda medical records written by others 10 years before I saw Karen.

See? The tabloids that these journalist write can have a major impact on your life permanently. As they make its impossible to refute or correct, You have no political voice as your off your rocker. There word is the word of god and its read by the next tabloid junkie Doctor which aids them in forming opinions about you before they have even shaken your hand. There so easily persuaded, that's embarrassing for them as university educated folks.

I did write back to Karen but had no correspondence apart from the approach of the Globalist English in future appointments, I clearly offended the Diversity God's. Its difficult to express yourself with these silly English Globalist, Anti European, Pro Sub-Saharan, weaponized P.C. Institutional Barriers. Without offending someone and being demonized.

The only sanity with that is knowing that its just that, Silly English Identity Politics. Which smacks you in the face immediately stepping of your return flight. I was heavily indoctrinated 6 times in 85 minutes with forced diversity and I photographed it all.
Its like being in a Concentration Camp, They wont understand so don't bother. There like North Korea's continuous propaganda and the lose of your freedom if you have conflicting opinions. As any contrary thought is seen as a act of violence.

Just like the Chinese have been trained since birth to be Proud, Homogeneous, Narcissistic Nationalists. The English have been trained since birth to be Self race hating, Open borders, Diversity Mantra, Globalist footsoldiers.

That are controlled through guilt. As there demographics have irreversible radically changed in as little as 40, 20 or even 15 year's.

These people are like Xenomorphs they have acid for blood. You don't dare attack them even when they are liberally attacking you. its dangerous to be right when your authoritarian is wrong.

Karen I came to you at the height of my mental exhaustion & misery.
What you did Karen was Evil, Deliberate and designed.
You ran me over with a ambulance.

Not just Karen but all the mental heath doctors I have seen over 20 years.
You have had 2 stamps: 1 Red & 1 Green, Yet you have always chosen to red stamp me.
If I had taken my own life your name would have been written on my chest.
“you have to let us help you simon” lol the Irony, you've done everything but!

Update: Yesterday while in Argos I bumped into my old neighbour who told me in the 2 years since I left there's been 3 tenants in my ex-property who have all complained about the “contaminated water” and its been empty since. They lasted 6 months each, I had to endure it for 6 years.

One family had a 14 month old daughter who developed eczema on her face and hands from the “contaminated water”. And fell extremely ill from the damp mould and draft.

He believes the place has been registered unfit for inhabitation.
As its been derelict for a few months.


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